The Voice of entrepreneurs
CiTYLIFE BUSINESS owned by CITY LIFE MEDIA PTY LTD,REG. 019 / 206417 / 07 is a publication that focuses on small and medium size business across cross a wide spectrum of industries, ranging from Financial Services, Tourism & Travel, Manufacturing , Communication Services, Gaming, Leisure & Entertainment, Transportation Services & Logistics, Information Technology, Construction & Engineering, Hospitality, Cultural and Creative Economy, Legal Services farming, Conferencing, Communications & Event Management, Automotive, Education, Energy & Mining, Healthcare, HR & Management, Marketing & Media, Property to Retail.
The publication features business profiles, interview with entrepreneurs, trends, news, product launches and opinion articles by business leaders and entrepreneurs. For any business that aims at being taken seriously in the market place, this is a platform where your brand must feature and reach influential decision makers, policy makers and business thought leaders. This is a platform for businesses to advertise their brand and services and be visible to all those who matter. Speak to our sales executives
for partnerships.
Edward Tsumele
Mobile: 0837211228
Digital Editor | Web Developer
Nimrod Gunde
Mobile: 074 281 1876
Advertising and Partnerships